To make edibles and tea you need to calculate how much CBD you are using:

1. First calculate how much THC/CBD is present per gram of flower:

·Start by using the percentage of THC/CBD in your flower in decimal form. 10% would be 0.10, 17% would be 0.17, 23% would be 0.23….you get the idea.​ Beware of people claiming high amounts of CBD content without any proof.  All of Garden County CBD products are independently tested to guarantee CBD content.

Multiply this by 1,000.​

This will give you THC/CBD per gram in milligrams (mg).​

Example: your flower has 17% THC/CBC. As a decimal this would be 0.17 multiplied by 1,000 gives you 170 mg​

2. Next, calculate the dose per serving:

Grams of flower used in the recipe multiplied by THC/CBD per gram (calculated above) equals dose for the entire recipe.​

Example: if 1 gram of flower containing 17% THC/CBD was used then the entire recipe would contain 170 mg (1 X 170 mg = 170 mg)​

If 3 grams of flower containing 17% THC/CBD was used then the entire recipe contains 510 mg (3 X 170 mg = 510 mg).​

3. Finally calculate how much each piece or serving contains:

Total milligrams per recipes divided by number of servings or pieces.​

Example: A cake recipe that makes 12 pieces in which 1 gram of flower containing 17% was used would have about 14 mg per piece (1 X 170 = 170 mg in whole recipes divided by 12 pieces = 14.1 mg)​

A cookie recipe that makes 24 cookies in which 3 grams of flower containing 17% was used would have about 21.25 mg per cookie. (3 X 170 = 510 divided by 24 = 21.25 mg).​

If the cookie recipe made 42 cookie in which 3 grams of flower containing 17% was used they each would have about 12 mg per cookie (3 X 170 = 510 divided by 42 = 12.1 mg).

Now you know how to calculate the dose of your edible if you choose to use whole flower in the recipe! ENJOY!